An extraordinary nature gift with all beneficials really surpasses it´s usage only as a massage supplement. De-tension effect after hard physical activities which comes as a daily part of today´s lifestyle is just one of many positives of coconut proceeds. This natural antioxidant perfectly impragnates skin nourishing it with vitamine E, favouring to achieve healthy and youth visage while perfoming with antiflamitory and antibacterial results. Taking into consideration it´s gentle, decent smell it is very suitable also for clients being usually more sensitive on fragrances.
Unique pleasure is tuned by using specific massage techniques working with so called „sen“ energy lines of a body. Sophisticated sence of touch and intuitive movements require longtime experiences which by the time genuinly develop perceptive abilities of a massaguer konw as sixth sence.
A balanced interaction between massage strokes and hot coconut oil promotes this typ of massage to an art.