When thinking about massage people usually imagine body at first often forgetting about head massage being also a big part of massage therapy with its undeniable benefits on well-being.
By stimulating acupressure points tensions within head area are being removed thus enhancing a feeling of lightness and clear mind. It continues further with more gentle face massage using similar technique to increase blood and oxygen circulation for the effect of revitalization, easing eye strain, reducing wrinkles and ultimately improving look of your skin. In case you experience regular headaches it might be a remedy for you to try with almost immediate relief from head tensions. For clients with sleep difficulties it is a way to tune into a state of indulging in quality sleep during the whole night.
Head massage is a perfect add-on component to complement after one of the full massages, highly recommended if you are looking to finish your session in a totally relaxed and blissful state. Its gently concept is perfectly suitable choice for pregnant women as well.